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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  July 6, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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till pushing hard. >> we have to grow the economy the fastest. >> reporter: presumptive republican nominee mitt romney had none of it. interrupting his new hampshire vacation to blast away. >> it is another kick in the gut to middle class families. >> reporter: it's worse when you add up the americans unable to find a job, forced to take part-time work or simply given up looking. the labor department says is 14.9%. the former commissioner of the bureau of labor statistics say another key number shows the labor market is stagnant. >> the employment to population ratio, just what share the population is working, and that number now is at 58.6%. roughly the same it was three years ago. >> reporter: the president took a not so subtle swipe at romney's jet ski vacation, waxing nostalgic about vacation when he was 11. >> we went around the country on greyhound buses and trains and stayed at howard johnsons.
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>> reporter: he did not mention last summer's was nicer on ma that's vineyard. romney said the voters wouldn't begrudge him time off. >> all americans would appreciate the memory they have with the children and grandchildren. >> republican group cross road gps is keeping the heat on the president with a new $25 million ad buy. >> barack obama has lots of excuses for the bad economy. >> head winds coming from europe. we have had a string of bad luck. >> th the said the super pac ads will reign down on his head but revived a line from 2008 to say he is ready. >> i'm skinny, but i'm tough. >> republicans are pointing to comments from senate candid 2004 where he said bush was overcelebrating economic stats. that month the economy created 31,000 jobs. much -- 310,000 jobs. much different time. >> john: much different. ed henry in sweltering pittsburgh. thank you so much. now to the chief political
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correspondent carl cameron on how the candidates are using a struggling economy in an effort to cast the other as unfit for the white house. >> the defining issue of the campaign. vacationing in new hampshire, mitt romney tried to wrap it around the president's neck like a boat anchor. >> their prediction was unemployment would be at 5.6% now. instead it's 8.2%. millions and millions of families are struggling and suffering. because the president's policies have not worked for them. >> while the president asks for a second term for the policies to work and republicans call him out of touch for saying today's weak job report is a step in the right direction. romney is making both promises for his first term. >> you are going to see the growth of the economy pick up. 4% or better. you're going to get america within four years to about 6% unemployment rate. after that, i see it getting better and better. >> pro-obama superpac bounced on romney with a 6-year-old video of the then massachusetts governor defending sluggish job growth in the bay state with rhetoric back then that sounds like the president now.
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>> you are going to suggest at me that somehow jobs should immediately turn around? it takes a while to get things turned around. >> romney released recent but not decades worth of tax returns. democrats say he is concealing who and how rich he really is. david axelrod used historical comparison. >> this is the most secretive candidate since richard nixon and trying to turn the clock back 50 years on transparency and disclosure. >> republicans counter president obama claimed executive privilege in investigation of "fast and furious" and attorney general was hit with contempt of congress charges. romney used presidential comparisons, too, to describe what he calls misery of the obama economy. >> the most anti-small business administration i've seen since carter. who would have guessed if we look at the carter years and the good old days. >> the president today sought to keep romney on defense over the supreme court healthcare decision. >> when you hear folks at home say oh, no, this is a tax, a burden on the middle class families.
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let me tell you, we know because the guy i'm rubbing against tried this in massachusetts and it is working just fine. even though now he denies it. >> well, when he implemented romneycare in massachusetts, romney said washington should let states create their own plans. based on today's jobs report, romney said obamacare is hurting the national recovery. he is not rooting for economic hardship but he will intensely focus on it when he returns from his campaign and hit the campaign trail next week. >> we look forward to your coverage next week. thank you. have a good weekend. a look at the average unemployment rate of first six months of the election year for the last five presidents seeking re-election and how it turned out. in 1980, democratic president jimmy carter lost with an average of 6.8% unemployment. four years later, republican ronald reagan won a second term as president with an average of # 7.7%. it had been over 10.0 the year before.
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bush lost to clinton with 7.5% average in the first six months. four years later, president clinton won re-election with 5.5% average. in 2004, republican george w. bush won re-election with 5 5.7%. president obama six-month unemployment rate average this year is at 8.2%. higher than any of the predecessors in 30 years. construction employment, a major part of the economy stalled out in june. however, as chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel explains there is a lot more to the troubling numbers. >> president obama signed the $105 billion transportation package in to law late today. funding construction jobs. he said would otherwise be lost. >> this bill will keep thousands of construction workers on the job, rebuilding our nation's infrastructure. >> the legislation will fund road and transit project through the end of fiscal 2014. allowing state transportation
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departments to go forward with major infrastructure projects. though an industry economist says it may only stop job losses. >> you are not going to see immediate jump in highway employment. at least firms may hang on to workers whom otherwise they would have had to lay off. >> construction sector is the hardest hit with unemployment peaking at 27.1% since february 2010. and was still well above the national average at 12.8% last month. the numbers are improving but simonson says the reality is some 750,000 experienced workers have left the field in the last two years. >> they're finding job jobs in other industry, not in construction. maybe truck driving, manufacturing services or they're going back to school. retiring. >> reality because employment in the field has essentially been stagnant for much of the past two years. experts say construction demends on overall demand. the rest of the economy must be expanding at a stronger rate beforepiss move forward
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building offices. on the stump, the president suggested more public sector spending with money used for war in recent years. >> take the other end and do nation building at home. >> let's put some folks back to work in ohio. rebuilding our roads. an our bridges and our schools. >> republicans have argued, though, mr. obama could help thousands of construction workers by simply authorizing a private sector energy project. >> my plan calls for action that will get america working again. and create good jobs near term an long term. it includes finally taking advantage of our energy resources. building the keystone pipeline. >> the lack of hiring by contractors is a problem not only for workers but also for the overall industry. there is a real concern skilled people change fields or drop out of the workforce, it will be hard to replace those skills when they are needed. john? >> no indication things will get better anytime soon. >> mike emanuel tonight.
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thanks. well, as you can imagine, the stock market did not like today's jobs report. the dow lost 124. the s&p 500 gave back 13. the nasdaq finished 39 behind. borrowing rates for spain and italy rose to distress levels today. signals more true jillty in the european debt crisis. the key concern is that the european bail-out fund will not be big enough if either country needed rescue loans for their government. speaking of money, find a penny and pick it up. one day you might have enough to pay for your house. that's in the grapevine. up next, the debt toll rises in syria on bloody, bloody friday. hi, i'm phil mickelson. i've been fortunate to win on golf's biggest stages.
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>> john: in world headlines french and german intelligence services are accused by iran of coo rating with the cia to kill iranian nuclear scientists. iran's intelligence minister made the statement during friday prayers in which worshipers shouted down with america and death to israel. a new court date september 8 has been set for nadacani, the iranian pastor on death row for apostacy. we are hours away from the first election in libya since the overthrow of long-time dictator muammar gaddafi. citizens will cast ballots for 200-member transitional parliament. there has been sporadic
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violence and call for boycott. as the death toll arises in syria, other countries are hammered by the international community. however, correspondent leland vittert shows us, the diplomatic pressure is doing it will to save the syrian people from their own government. >> god, we only have you, chanted syrian protesters after friday prayers. in hama, unarmed protesters chanted ala akbar asking for god's protection. syrian army apparently opened fire on them. about the same time, u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton joined friends of syria meeting in paris looking for ways to help the rebels. >> i ask you to reach out to russia and china. and to not only urge but demand that they get off the sidelines and begin to support the legitimates a for ration
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of the syrian people. >> clinton when on to chastise syria's ally for using the u.n. security council veto to protect the regime from sanctions. >> russia and china will pay a price. they are holding up progress, blockading it. no longer palatable. >> despite the tough words they continue to supply the syrian army with weapons. and ammunition. amateur video from homs shows the destructive power and a giant fireball to another. but loyalty among officers is cracking. even among elite republican guard troops. this week, general, a classmate and friend of syrian president bashar assad defected to turkey and joined the opposition. >> so far, the defection hasn't helped the rebels who continue to bowery dead from the fighting, despite the
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death toll over 14,000. they are undeterred. today, friends of syria are greatly announcing opposition. that may be easier said than done. rebels are unorganized at best. and the tough talk didn't scare the russians much. kremlin needed just one word to respond to secretary clinton's promise about paying a price and called her incorrect. >> john: leland vittert for us in jerusalem. a number of terror alerts in recent days put british authorities on edge as the country is ready to host the summer's economic games. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot has that story tonight from london. >> there are three weeks to go until the opening of olympics in london. security officials are on high alert. they announced the arrest of seven member on suspicion of terror offenses. it started in northern england when a car was down with cache of guns and ammunition. that led to arrest of six british people of asian
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background. they were planning major terror attack on u.k. target. this followed the arrest of six people of muslim faith on terror charges in london. both were unrelated to the olympics, police say. three of thursday's arrests happened a mile from the olympic site. >> the british are extremely concerned about the economic security and they are doing anything and everything they can to ensure nothing goes wrong. >> pastor on a bus yesterday called police and said he called smoke from another passenger's bag. they stopped the bus, and sent hazmat an other authorities but it came from an electronic cigarette. the event is high profile with athletes and officials from 100 countries. >> london olympics are the number one target for national terrorism. >> the u.k. spending close to $1 billion on security. tens of thousands of guards. police, and troops.
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>> seven years ago tomorrow, they targeted the transport system here. they want to make sure it doesn't happen in the weeks to come. >> john: greg palkot in a country on edge. still ahead, controversial green energy project gets the green light. first, though, republicans want to level the playing field when it comes to insurance coverage. an accident doesn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement available only with liberty mutual auto insurance, if your car's totaled, we give you the money for a car one model year newer. to learn more, vit us today. responsibility. what's your policy?
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>> john: it was a real life episode of "jersey shore" last night with governor chris christie playing a starting role. on the boardwalk seaside with his family when a constituent mouthed off about his education policy. christie known to have a temper from time to time wasn't about to let that sit. the ensuing verbal altercation
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was captured by tmz. >> horrific stuff. [ yelling ] >> mouthful. >> i'm walking about. >> keep walking. keep walking. keep walking. >> mr. governor? mr. governor? >> john: while we are talking about education, two more states received waivers. the 10-year-old federal "no child left behind" law. but the addition of washington of wisconsin, it brings the total to half of the states. administration began granting waivers this year to state tas promised to improve how they prepare and evaluate students. michigan republican congressman and former presidential candidate thaddeus mccotter has resigned. last month he failed to get enough ballot signatures to appear on the primary ballot and vowed to run as a write-in candidate. after state authorities began to investigate irregularities in the signatures collected for the primary, mccotter hung it up. in a statement today calling the last month-and-a-half,
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"nightmarish" saying he is leighing the house for the sake of his family. his seat will remain open until the november election. on thursday, we told you about republicans plan for healthcare should obamacare be repealed and replaced. tonight, the chief national correspondent jim angle looks at how the g.o.p. plans to pay for their ideas. >> part of the effort to repeal and replace the president's healthcare plan as republicans see it is to find a way to help the uninsured buy insurance. the president relies on a stick, the mandate, to force people to buy insurance. republicans have a different approach. >> many on the other side see that there is an alternative if we use carrot and provide the right incentive for people to want to buy health insurance and give them choices for healthcare coverage they think is valuable to them. >> republican lawmakers argue you can't have millions of uninsured without creating chaos for the health system. so some analysts propose tax credit to help people buy
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insurance. >> we ought to have a tax credit of 2,500 for adult. i think a family of four could get $8,000. that would buy the core insurance we want everyone to have. >> gets us closer to universal coverage than obamacare does. this allows 50 million individuals that are currently uninsured to be able to actually have the money to go out an purchase in a competitive market their own insurance. >> helping people who want insurance but can't afford it. conservatives would take $300 billion or so now spent to subsidize healthcare and turn it in to what are called refundable tax credits. meaning people get the designated money, even if they don't pay that much in taxes. >> with the refundable tax credit you can have universal coverage. >> one hope is to eliminate a bias in the tax code. right now, everyone who gets health insurance through the employer gets it tax free, while individuals and small businesses get no tax help. >> that is not fair. it's arbitrary. we need to have a level playing field. >> if you are buying health insurance on your own you have
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to use after-tax dollars to buy your health insurance. that is an unlevel playing field. >> a very good idea for us sequalize tax treatment of health insurance for those working on their own or untable work environment at a small company. we want to give them the same benefit that those of us have had for many years. >> one question is how to structure the tax credits. are they available just for the uninsured or should they be used for medicaid as well which the president wants to expand by $17 million. it reimburses so it will the poor often can't find a doctor. >> a lot of folks would like to see them expand in the medicaid population to have a tax credit to allow them to get off public insurance and go to the competitive marketplace and pick insurance best for them. >> republicans argue this is a way to help the uninsured buy insurance without restructuring the entire healthcare system or raising taxes. john? >> john: jim angle. thanks. the final independent report
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on the 2009 fort hood massacre will include 18 formal recommendations for change at the f.b.i. the report could be delivered to f.b.i. director robert muller no later than next friday. major hissan is facing military charge this summer for charges of murdering 13 people and injuring dozens more when he opened fire at the texas base. george zimmerman is out of jail a day after a florida judge set his bond at $1 million. the neighborhood watch volunteer who killed trayvon martin was released while he awaits trial. he cannot leave the county. he has a curfew. he must be electronically monitored. one man takes the lucky penny concept to a new level. we'll tell you why this presidential race looks like nothing we have seen in 70 years. grapevine is next. [ male announcer ] before you take it on your road trip... we take it on ours. this summer put your family in an exceptionally engineered mercedes-benz now for an exceptional price
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>> john: now for some fresh picks from the political grapevine, for the first time in seven decades neither of the presidential candidates will have military service in their biography. since 1944, at least one of the main party candidates had spent time in the military. not this time around, because neither president obama nor presumptive republican nominee mitt romney have served. actually, vice president biden hasn't either. the streak could be preserved in some way if governor romney's vis presidential pick is exmilitary. but none of the leading contender for that job served either. governor romney is getting a very vocal backing from actor brad pitt's mother. despite her son's strong support for president obama. jane pitt wrote a letter to springfield newspaper encouraging christians to vote for romney and say any christian who doesn't vote or cast a ballot with a write-in name essentially votes for president obama, whom she calls a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.
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now her son brad often voiced his support for gay marriage. earlier this year, he said in an interview his mother is a very loving person who sometimes gets portrayed as a she-devil. finally, a massachusetts man made an impression paying off his final mortgage bill. he did it all in pennies. 62,000 of them, weighing more than 800 pounds. the man said his goal was to make his final payment memorable. he says in a year since buying their house in 1977, his wife laughed at him when he would pick up a penny off the ground and say it was going toward the mortgage. he gave the bank fair warning he would arrive with pennies. apparently they were all for it. out on the campaign trail today. president obama was again promoting green jobs. but where does promotion end and pressure begin? one wind power project off the coast of cape cod has already been under fir for potential economic, environmental and
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visual impact. but as correspondent molly lion found out, politics may push the long-delayed project without appropriate review. >> wind turbines are popping up all over massachusetts, but more than a decade after they proposed the first off-shore wind farm, construction has yet to begin. now opponents of the project believe they found a smoking gun. political bullying from an agenda-driven white house. >> this project is perfect example of a green agenda at any cost and deserves scrutiny of congressional investigation. >> parker with the alliance for nantucket sound obtained documents she believes are proof that the federal aviation administration fast tracked the project despite safety concerns. more than 400-foot higher the bines would be danger to private and commercial aviation. >> the documents are based on responses we got through the freedom of information act eq to the faa and they reveal a strong pattern of political pressure and ultimately the
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faa succumbing to the political pressure and sacrifice the lives. >> the paperwork reveals interim faa e-mail from 2009 acknowledging the cape wind project in nantucket sound is highly political. power point in 23010 states the secretary of the into your approved this project. the administration is under pressure to promote green energy production. it would be difficult politically to refuse approval of the project. congressman cliff stern who led the investigation surrounding the failure of the taxpayers funded solar company solyndra is calling for a probe. >> this is similar to solyndra. it puts pressure on the white house. e-mails came from the faa that i have seen and shows that the white house is pushing the faa for political reasons. >> white house dismissed stern's latest accusation and spokesperson marc ronallers said despite concerns raised by the opponents, project has
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been vetted. split's been through comprehensive review of a power facility through the history of the northwest. if we are on a fast trashings hate to see the slow track. >> the faa is again reviewing the project after the u.s. court of appeals overturned the agency's ruling last october, that the 130 proposed turbines posed no hazard to aviation. mcmorris rogers believed the faa will once more rule in cape wind favor regardless of political pressure from opponents. despite the latest effort to halt the project, cape wind hopes to begin building next year. the project is facing multiple lawsuits. and the possibility of further delay. on cape cod, molly line, fox news. >> john: there are delays for general electric planned solar factory. they say the project slated to be the largeest in the country is put on hold because the price drops in the market are creating a shift in solar sector. in colorado, firefighters hoping to have the waldo fire
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contained by the end of the day. cause of the deadly blaze is still a mystery. the denver post reports dispatch recordings show it appears to have started near a popular hiking trail west of colorado springs. monday, "special report" will be on the road to kick off our new counties that count series. bret baier will be in prince william county, virginia, with a look at its importance in the 2019 election. the economy takes center stage on the campaign trail. the fox all-stars tell us who has the advantage. coming up next. [ male announcer ] for making cupcakes
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we learned this morning that our business created 84,000 new jobs last month. that overall means business created 4.4 million new jobs in the past 28 months. >> we have seen the jobs report this morning. it's another kick in the gut to middle class families.
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>> the back and forth on the campaign trail earlier today. over the latest employment report. bring in panel to kick this around. steve hayes, senior writer for "weekly standard." david drucker for roll call. with us all week, syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. this right in the middle of the president's economic bus tour through ohio and pennsylvania. he said it's a sneap the right direction. it's hard to put a positive spin on the numbers. >> you can't. you can try. the president did his best to say we're creating new jobs every month. i created 4 million jobs since i've been in office. for voters, the important thing is are you creating enough to reduce the unemployment rate in a significant way? even more important to that, do they feel as though things are getting better? it's too early to decide that the jobs picture and the economic picture are going to sink the president. he could win for several reasons. i want to know what the numbers and the sentiment is across the country, right
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after conventions in september and october. but this isn't good. it doesn't look like it is getting better. the way he wins re-election if this is the case is disqualify mitt romney a an alternative. >> romney was handed home run ball across the plate, he hit the ball pretty hard but he cannot get the traction he needs to on the economy to make it stick to president obama and race his profile. why? >> it's incomprehensible. this is one issue that affects even. number one on people's list. he has all the arguments. i ronicly, what is happening is states like ohio, the president is running ad campaign which talks about romney and baen being outsourceer and chief. implication, clever one, working in the poles poll, somew the minor employer bain capital operating mar ten years ago because of the
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outsourcing is responsible for unemployment and misery of people today. whereas it's obvious that the economy has been in the hands of obama for three-and-a-half year, spending $1 trillion and increasing the debt by $5 trillion and getting us nowhere. he promised in fact at the time that the unemployment rate today would be 5.6%. it's # .2% -- 8.2%. romney's inability to bring home thek it's that is responsible, not the crisis in europe. or tsunami or earthquake or tsunami all over the world and outcoursing by romney in the 1990s is incomprehensible. if he can't make the argument he doesn't deserve to win the election. >> in 1992, the economy was getting better under bush 341. bill clinton and his campaign managed to stick a bad economy to him like a sponge and got people to make up their minds early. >> i like that. like a muddy sponge. this is a big question in the
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campaign right now. four months out from election day. can romney almost ride what has been to this point a singular focus? president obama is bad for the economy. data suggest that voters price that in. investors price that in to stocks they want to know and price in bad news on the president. if you look at the gallup tracking poll that started april 16, romney was leading 47-45 at that point. today, after months of bad news, three consecutive bad jobs reports, ibaka is leading 48-44. that was a surge that started before the supreme court decision. this is not a supreme court bump. real clear politics shows that the obama was plus three then and obama is plus three now. the big question is should romney broaden the argument and make it bigger, talk more about losing the mesh dream? talk more about america that today that is not like the america we knew in the past?
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should he broaden the message to include healthcare and debt and deficit and entitlement reform? i think he should. they have been resistant. >> john: what is your position on that. bill kristol hammers romney as johnny one note on the economy. he needs to broaden it out. >> i expect the obama campaign to start sending his clips around. i think a lot of criticism of romney, actually president obama as well is a little premature. romney came out of of a primary six or seven weeks ago and has been raising money like crazy. i think that he has been saying things that people want him to say. if it is going to work, it may not, but it needs time to sink if and register. you need to get to place where points are paying attention. he is not the most inspiring guy of all time. he never will be. often we see voters undecided voters break in the fall.
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they downtown break in july. i will defer to charles. but even with reagan in 1980, you didn't know he'd win bay landslide in july. this became apparent late. >> john: one thing the campaigns try to do in july and early august is to get a word out there, message out there to define the other candidate. you know, obama did it effectively if 2008 painting john mccain as out of touch. swift voters did it with john kerry in 2004. listen to what is going on, on the campaign trail and among surrogates as a campaign try to define the other candidate. >> this is the most secretive candidate since nixon. turning the clock back '50 year ostransparency. >> anti-small business administration than the carter years. >> carter and nixon, inflammatory names to throw
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around trying to define the other person. >> axelrod attempt to make secrecy the big issue, an issue in this campaign is ridiculous. this is a glass house. he just had his attorney general for the first time in american history receive rebuke from congress we have never seen. criminal con step for concealing documents in an operation that ended in the death of american law enforcement officials. i wouldn't be talking about open government and transparency. romney problem is not just he doesn't know how to deliver a message or not charismatic. i think the way to put it, he simply hasn't been ide log call enough. this is a center right country. two years ago threw out the democrat or any leadership of any charismatic speeches or obamacare and increasing the size of the debt is sitting out there. the american people do not want expansion of government.
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we know that. we just saw it. romney has to make the case not just i know how to do jobs and create them because i did it at bain. i'll deregulate. obama is regulator. not expansion of government. about debt, keynesian experiments. it's all out there. he has to make that out. he wants this to be a biography and it's not enough. >> i couldn't agree more. if you think about what romney says about obama on the campaign trail, he is a nice guy, he is just in over his head. really? that is a problem, obama is in over his head? no. if you look at romney, when is the last time you saw people affiliated with the romney campaign say barack obama is a big government liberal? i would argue that obama expanded the size and scope of government more than anyone since lbj, perhaps more than anybody since fdr. you are not making ideological critique of what he has done. that is the argue. going back to cart and reagan,
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that is what reagan did. policies haven't worked but haven't worked for a reason. trying old policies that failed in past. >> john: hit the pause button. take break and come back with the lightning round. next up, romney v.p. possibilities, healthcare and your viewer voted topic. the lightning round is coming up right after the break. building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone. the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need... ♪ hajimemashite. hajimemashite. hajimemashite. you guys like football ? thank you so much. i'm stoked. you stoked ? totally. ... and he says, "under the mattress." souse le matelas. ( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? paris, france ? verizon's 4g lte devices are global-ready. plus, global data for just $25. only from verizon.
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>> john: every week on "special report" viewers vote for your choice online in the friday lightning round poll. this week, iran with 24% of the vote. goes to show how sophisticated the "special report" audience is. let's recap what happened in iran. they fired a long range missile and said they would wipe israel off the face of the earth if they attacked
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iran and the u.s. is building up the military naval presence in the gulf. where is this headed? jump ball. >> in effect stark us the quo. -- in effect, status quo. they want to prolong this beyond the election. president obama wants negotiation beyond the election. we have had series of negotiation between senior diplomat and technical experts. everybody wants it to go on. unless there is a change, that is the way it will go on. >> how do you show toughness without going over the line and causing crisis? >> the only way to stop them trying to achieve nuclear capability, which is what they will do and the only thing they are interested in doing no matter what sanction regime we put on them is to play hard ball. let them know if they mess around they will be tough consequences. regimes like this, their only interest is get what they want and to use diplomacy against you. >> israel will hold off until after the election? >> i don't think so. if they think obama will win re-election.
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likely they will attack before. if afterwards there is no way to tell how obama would punish israel. they would be vulnerable to sanction and other measure of the united states. the window is between now. remember, the secretary of defense said earlier in year, israel would have attacked by now. attack in april, may, june. the clock is running. they are simply waiting to make sure that the sham negotiations are declared over. rather than put on life support to say all options have been tried. now we have to defenderss. >> another top take the audience wanted to know about was healthcare and what republicans should do. of course, repeal vote coming up in the house wednesday. republican candidates like george allen are staying away because it feels that independents don't want to hear about this. they want to hear about other things. kaiser family foundation had a poll that showed allen may be correct. 51% of non-leaning independents said give it up, move on to other issues. 35% say continue trying to block the law.
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what should republicans do? >> i think they should keep talking about the law it is how you frame it. they want to discuss it as though it's unconstitutional. people will say move on already. if you talk about how it will hurt job creation after the critics say it will, and how you might lose the coverage you have and the critics say you will. then it can be a winner. it's how you frame it. economically framed it might not end up winning the election for them but it could. if you ignore it all together you ignore one of the driving force of animated republican voters and that could really hurt obama; particularly, if you think the poll willing go back where it was after a couple of weeks. there is a strong possibly it will happen. >> this could be a winner with the base but is at it winner with independents? >> if you look at polling over the past two years as the debate unfolded before the vote and since, independents have been against obamacare. they have opposed the mandate. a winning argument for republicans. i can't believe as we sit here today this is a debate.
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of course republicans should hammer obama on obamacare. they should move it to center of the debate with the economy as a critique of the government. >> if this is a winner why are people like george allen running away? >> for the reason they are stumbled on the truth simultaneously. which is one what are the odds oof that? of course you attack on this. it's 2010. you make the case and they will listen. if case is economic number one and second ideological. expansion of government only around that. for you make it, romney has to stop being obsessed the idea he is horrible because of what happened in massachusetts. ignore that, who cares abs what he did seven or eight years ago. attack on what happened today and what will happen in 2014 when the bill is implemented.
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>> john: reiterate it's a tax? >> it's the tax. it shall remain a tax. >> john: last topic folks want to hear about, romney potential vice presidential pick. ann romney threw a twist in it earlier in week saying we have been looking at a woman. and i'll thrilled about that. who would it be? kelly iott from new hampshire. susanna martinez. bill kristol thinks it could be condoleezza rice. >> he is crazy, bill kristol. >> there is talk of condoleezza rice. she there are people talking about her. she is pro-life. and romney said in an interview with me and elsewhere he is not going to pick a pro-choice candidate -- sorry, she is pro-choice. >> not going to pick condoleezza rice because she is closely associated with the bush administration. all eight years. governors tend to like governors. i expect him to pick a for or
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former governor, despite there are members in congress will be get serious consideration. i don't buy that the female look. i'm sure they look at them in broad numbers i don't see anybody to fit the bill. >> last 15 seconds are yours. >> dull like dulls. he will double down on dullness. go with portman, solid, stable, he knows his stuff. he can rely on him. not flashy. you run against charisma. you try it in 2008, how did that work out? >> john: that is why we like to give you the last word, charles. thank you, guys, have a great weekend. thank you so much for showing up on this holiday week. that is it for the panel. stay tuned for unique ways that baseball fans can show their team spirit. this one is for charles. for its. jim twitchel is this true? yes it's true. how is this possible? proper tire inflation, by using proper grades of oil, your car runs more efficiently, saves gas. you could be doing this right now? yes i could, mike. i'm slowing you down? yes you are. my bad. the works fuel saver package. just $29.95 or less after rebate. only at your ford dealer.
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♪and0i0ú laughter♪ ♪it's tp i've ever knownp♪ ♪i0don'ú happensp♪ ♪but i0e ♪and0i0h in you♪ >> john: finally tonight, charles is a pretty happy guy these days with his beloved nats riding high national league east. yankees fans are right up there with them. some teams are the goat which is reflected in the prizes
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offered up to fans. >> everything looks good in pinstripe so you can with the yankee edition ford escape. >> register to win your own yankee ford escape. fans will be able to win a special edition chicago cubs car. [ laughter ] >> yeah, they are tied in the basement by the way. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this edition of "special report," fair, balanced and unafraid. "the fox report" is next. >> harris: this is the fox report. tonight. george zimmerman goes free from jail again on $1 million bail. so what's next for the neighborhood watch men at the center of the travon martin case? and some troubling numbers on the economy and jobs. if you are like millions of americans looking for work, it is not encouraging. it is another kick in the gut
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to middle class families. >> we have got to grow the economy even faster. we have got to put even more people back to work. >> harris: now a political battle over jobs tonight, what it means for the presidential election and for the millions of americans who are still out of work one of the nation's most notorious back in the spotlight. now his attorney is trying to get the conviction overturned. also, high anxiety ahead of the summer olympics. new terrorist arrest in britain put a nation and the world on edge. i'm harris faulkner in tonight for shepard smith. we begin this evening with what the president calls a step in the right direction. and his republic rival calls it a kick in the deputy. it's a report on